WASHINGTON (June 21) — Today, the Pass USMCA Coalition, an alliance advocating for swift passage of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, applauded Mexican lawmakers for becoming the first country to ratify the new North American trade deal.
“The Pass USMCA Coalition recognizes Mexico for its commitment to strengthening trade relations in North America,” said Pass USMCA Honorary Co-Chairman, Joe Crowley. “It’s clear that the deal benefits workers across industries in all three signatory nations.”
USMCA won overwhelming support in Mexico’s Senate on Wednesday, June 19, passing by a 114-4 margin.
“The deal is a victory for the United States, Canada, and Mexico,” added Rick Dearborn, executive director of the Pass USMCA Coalition. “Congress should make ratifying USMCA, as signed, its top priority this summer. The deal shouldn’t be re-opened or re-negotiated.”
“Farmers, manufacturers, scientists, and artists alike will reap major benefits from USMCA,” said former Minnesota Congressman Erik Paulsen, honorary co-chairman of the Coalition. “It’s truly a bipartisan win that every lawmaker can be proud of.”
“Mexico has done its part,” said Pass USMCA Honorary Co-Chairman, Gary Locke. “It’s time for American and Canadian lawmakers to push USMCA across the finish line.”
About Pass USMCA: The Pass USMCA Coalition is a group of trade associations and businesses advocating for the swift passage of the United States-Mexico-Canada agreement. The provisions outlined in USMCA will defend American jobs, cultivate innovation, and encourage business development, spurring growth for local, state, and national economies.
Emily Troisi
(202) 471-4228, ext. 120