Frequently Asked Questions

What is USMCA?

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (“USMCA”) was signed by President Trump and his Mexican and Canadian counterparts on November 30, 2018. The new trade pact builds off the successes of the 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement, remedies its shortcomings, and modernizes our North American trading partnerships.

What is Pass USMCA?

A coalition of trade associations, businesses, and advocacy groups working together to ensure swift passage of the USMCA.

Why now?

Now that the new trade pact has been signed by President Trump and his Mexican and Canadian counterparts, it must be ratified by Congress in order to enter into force. Pass USMCA is working to ensure that Members of Congress hear and learn from people and groups who recognize that the USMCA is a huge victory for America’s workers, consumers, businesses, and economy.

Is USMCA a good deal?

Absolutely. The United States is an international trade powerhouse — and Canada and Mexico are vital U.S. trading partners. The USMCA strengthens these relationships and brings North American trade into the 21st century. The USMCA will increase exports, lift wages, expand choices for consumers, accelerate innovation, and boost the U.S. economy.

What brings all these groups together?

Our diverse members believe that the USMCA will benefit U.S. companies, consumers, entrepreneurs, workers, and the U.S. economy at large.

What is in the agreement?

The USMCA includes important new measures to strengthen key U.S. industries – most notably those such as the digital economy, that did not exist or that were significantly smaller when the original NAFTA was negotiated over twenty-five years ago. The USMCA also includes strong, enforceable provisions to protect workers and the environment. The agreement will create new export opportunities for American companies and encourage new job-creating investments.